What is Burnout?
If you see the word “burnout” and think, “I don’t think I’ve ever experienced that before”,
it’s likely that you may not recognize what it means and how it manifests in yourself. Achieving balance between our work-life, personal life and social life is a tricky art to master in itself, let alone when there is added stress from the environment we’re in. Given that we’re currently in a pandemic, most of us have potentially hit a point of feeling completely spent. Unfortunately, the world doesn’t always stop for us in time for us to catch a breath, making it really important to know how to handle, or better yet, avoid burnout altogether.
In simple terms, burnout is something you experience when you are feeling exhausted, unmotivated, begin feeling less capable or even when you start hating your job.
Recognizing Burnout
It isn’t always easy to recognize when something is wrong, especially within ourselves. More so, if you’re used to being on autopilot in order to fulfil the needs of everyone around you, it is relatively easy to neglect yourself and miss important signs within you that need your attention and care.
There are a handful of signs that could be tell-tale indications of burnout:
Some of the ways in which burnout is manifested physically could be the usual signs of stress; headaches, stomachaches and so on. This could be because of the heightened levels of chronic stress that can go hand-in-hand with burnout.
Emotionally, burnout can result in feeling exhausted, drained (both emotionally and physically) and irritable. Losing motivation and interest in your work and having noticeably less energy are also signs of burnout.
If you find yourself growing cynical of your work, workplace and even your colleagues, you may be experiencing some burnout. This can cause you to subsequently lose closeness with those you work with, resulting in you distancing yourself from your workplace environment and colleagues.
Risk Factors
In order to avoid burnout especially during the pandemic, it is important to recognize the factors that can cause burnout.
Working hours that are demanding and inconsiderate can lead to overworking and under-resting; a recipe for burnout. Employees with highly demanding working hours and workload can have a hard time finding sufficient rest, which can take a toll on mental health and lead to burning out rather quickly.
If you’re in a working environment that expects your best out of you, but little to no role clarity is provided, you are likely going to feel out of place and exhausted; as a lot of your energy is going to be invested in trying to figure out your place in the workplace.
It is frequently said that when a worker is treated unfairly in comparison to their colleagues, including acts of favoritism, unfair compensation and unequal pay, they are more likely to face burnout.
Avoiding Burnout in the Pandemic
Avoiding burnout, especially when you don’t really have anyone else to physically (or even emotionally) depend on as much during quarantine, can be tricky.
However, it isn’t impossible and with a few tips by Minc.Care, we hope you feel more equipped to take the world by a storm and not face burnout!
Most people experience burnout that stems from their careers. As we’ve shared above, an unseemly working environment can be mentally exhausting. That being said, there are internal adjustments we can make and be mindful of that can help avoid burning out.
While our jobs inevitably take up a huge space in our lives, it shouldn’t take all of it. Your life should always include room for the things you love that make you feel complete, safe and happy.
Even if your self care practices simply include a cup of coffee over Zoom with friends, you should always allow yourself to prioritize it! Other forms of self care that can prevent burnout include a healthy sleep pattern that works for you and a balanced diet that allows you to feel energized to tick the tasks off your to-do lists.
Changing your environment when the going gets tough is definitely a privilege not everyone may have access to; however, if it’s an option that is available to you personally, it is definitely worth considering.
If your workplace is essentially the sole factor leading to a burnout, and you have other options you’d like to explore, it’s worth considering a change of environment as no job or place is worth losing your peace of mind over.
If you’re in a place that is causing you to feel drained or burned out, and are having a hard time navigating, there are resources you can reach out to for guidance and insight.
It is increasingly difficult to practice and maintain self care especially under isolated and lonely conditions, which is why it is even more important to be aware of warning signs of burnout. No journey is meant to be fought alone, and your well-being is always a priority especially to us at MINC.Care!
If you’re looking for someone to provide you with coaching or insight, don’t hesitate to reach us at MINC.Care.
Article prepared by Joanna, MINC.Care
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